Why foster with...


F A I T H   L I V I N G   M I N I S T R Y

To us, this is ministry. Krish Kandiah, Founder of Home for Good, said, “Foster parents have the opportunity to demonstrate a lived parable of the gospel before a watching world.” We have adopted Mark 9:37 as our foundational verse. We are obedient to the call of caring for the vulnerable, because we have been so cared for by our Creator and Savior.

I N D U S T R Y   L E A D I N G   T R A I N I N G

Because your family and the children you serve deserve the very best, we invest extra
resources in preparing you for this ministry. Josiah White’s is a member of the Teaching
Family Association, and we train our foster parents and staff in this research-informed,
trauma-sensitive model of child skill building and foster family support. Whether we have a
child for one week or a lifetime, we owe it to them to focus on building the skills needed for
a successful future.

M E A N I N G F U L   S U P P O R T

Accessibility - We have staff on call at all times to provide support to foster families day and
night. You will always be able to reach someone in a time of challenge.
Advocacy - With Josiah White’s, our team will be a liaison for you with other providers and
the Department of Child Services and will advocate for the needs of your family and children
placed with you.
Efficiency – Being a foster parent isn’t easy. Our licensing process is purposeful and
predictable with a schedule of training and home visits. We have adopted technology such
as the Foster Family Portal as a fast, easy, and secure way for our foster parents to submit
and receive documentation and resources.
Prayer - As a Christ-centered ministry, we know the power of prayer. We cannot always
change an immediate circumstance, but we can always join forces in prayer.

Volunteer Opportunities:
Sound of Hope- It is now available free for churches to share with their congregation. If you are interested, here is the link where you can host an impact screening for free: https://possumtrotimpact.com/impact-screenings/    
Stand Sunday-November 10th, 2024 - It is a day of unity to reflect God's heart for the orphaned and vulnerable. 
KMC-Christmas Experience
For more information and to inquire about becoming a foster parent: Inquire About Foster
Care https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aC2G2p_Bo1h7oF-cKpCTax-93t2v4bfU/view
To contact Josiah White's, please email:
Rachel Reames or Lindsey Muhl

Office (317)483-179539 South Park BoulevardGreenwood, IN  46143