We are a faith-based organization that believes in the power of love to change lives. Our goal is not only to connect these precious children with needed resources, but also provide them with hope and love as they go through life knowing there's someone out there who cares!



Our Mission

Our mission is to uniquely and deeply love orphans at home and around the world. We place a high value on going deep to change the trajectory of a child’s life. We educate on God’s heart for orphans and vulnerable children, motivate individuals to get involved, and support those who do.

Our Why

Indiana is in a foster care crisis with the second-highest rate of child maltreatment in the nation and the highest number of children in the foster system compared to neighboring states. An estimated 153 million children worldwide are orphans. The numbers are overwhelming, but we believe that we can change the future one child at a time. God’s heart beats for these children as we see His call for us to care for orphans and widows over 60 times in the Bible. Everyone can do something to bring hope and love into their lives.


Upcoming Events:

 To Get Your Church Involved Reach Out To: larchibald@handsofhopein.org 
